Before Your Wax Appointment
What length should my hair be to receive a thorough wax?
Hair must be at least ¼ inch long (except for facial waxing, typically). Trimming before your appointment is not necessary.
Should I apply lotion on the day of my wax appointment?
Do not moisturize the area to be waxed the day of your appointment.
Is there anything that I can do to minimize waxing pain?
If you are feeling sensitive, take 2 ibuprofen, 1 hour before your appointment.
When is the skin most sensitive to waxing (for women)?
The skin is most sensitive the week before your menstrual cycle, so waxing may feel more painful.
What are the contraindications (conditions where a waxing service is unsafe) to waxing?
VERY IMPORTANT: Waxing services should not be performed on persons suffering from diabetes or those who have varicose veins or poor circulation as infection could occur more easily. Waxing should never be done on clients taking Accutane and is not recommended for clients taking Retin A, Renova, Differin or other types of skin thinning acne medications. Individuals do react differently to these medications and sometimes waxing can be done if proper patch testing is completed.
What type of wax do you use?
Patina Skin & Wax proudly uses a soft, creamy wax by Flora Wax made in Italy, that is designed for an ultra clean and tidy wax treatment for very delicate and intimate fragile areas. It leaves skin smooth with no wax residue. It contains Teobroma Grandiflorom, a butter that is extracted from an exotic Amazonian fruit seed, that naturally grows in Brazil and is nourishing and healing. It also contains calming Passion Fruit extract (Maracuja). Additional benefits of this wax: It's an all natural product, antioxidant, excellent emollient, safe for all skin types.
This wax is applied in thin layers and removed by applying a tightly woven 100% cotton strip over the wax.
Can I get waxed if I am pregnant?
Yes. Unless otherwise advised by your doctor it should not be a problem. However, if you are in the last trimester of your pregnancy, you may want to limit the areas you have waxed due to sensitivity, and to minimize undo stress.
After Your Wax Appointment
How will my skin look like after a wax?
Plan on being pink in the freshly waxed area. For some people, mild inflammation will go away quickly and others might need 12-24 hours.
How should I care for my skin and the waxed area?
Starting 2 to 3 days after being waxed, exfoliate at least 3 times per week in the shower. Exfoliation will help get rid of the dead skin cells and help “lift” the hairs growing out, and will help fend off ingrown hairs. Do not use exfoliating products (AHAs, scrubs, etc) and loofas for at least 24 hours after waxing. After that time frame, regular exfoliation may be helpful especially on leg, arm and bikini area to help combat ingrowns.
What products are available to help combat ingrown hairs and treat the skin pre/post wax?
Our favorite products can be found and purchased online at Patina's Skincare Shop and in our studio location.
How long will the results last?
Typically you will need to get waxed every 4 to 6 weeks. Note that each individual’s hair growth varies so the time frame between waxing should be determined by your own hair growth.
Can I shave between waxing appointments?
It is not recommended. Shaving will make your wax more painful and cause broken hairs, which will leave the skin feeling prickly.
Is tight clothing ok to wear after a waxing service?
Avoid wearing tight clothing on the waxed areas as irritation and ingrown hairs may result.
Can I exercise after a wax?
It's best to avoid heavy exercise for at least 24 hours after waxing. Sweating can cause irritation.
Is it ok to get a spray tan after a wax appointment?
Unfortunately no. The after wax solution creates a barrier between your skin and the tanning ingredients. Leave 2 to 3 days between waxing and tanning.
Is it ok to be in sunlight or hot water right after a wax?
Avoid direct sunlight and being in hot water (hot tub, whirlpool) immediately after your wax for 24 hours.